I Hate My Father
An intimate interview with Klee Hondo
5/18/20237 min read
As the sun reached the midpoint of day, two grand carriages arrived outside the Fruit Garden. Known as one of the best restaurants in Faydo, Serenium. A ruckus raged the outside as Serenians from the local town waited to get their eyes on the famed Hawara Girls. An army of guards exited the first carriage to get control of the crown, forming a walk-able line to the front doors of the restaurant. The first sight of the head Hawara, Klee, stepping out of the carriage sent the people into a frenzy of cheers. The crowd threw their hands through the blockage of guards, attempting to just touch the famed dance troupe. Klee glided down the walkway with her Hawara girls behind.
It wasn’t long before Klee was sitting across the table from me, dazzling in a gold plated, short-skirted dress, with golden jewelry from her fingers up to her shoulders. Black braids intertwined with a long flow of wavey black hair, topped with a gold crusted bow.
Interviewer: That was quite exciting to watch, but I must say it was nerve wrecking.
Klee: It is just something that comes with being the best.
Interviewer: The best dance troupe?
Klee: Of course, the Hawara Girls worked hard for the position that we are in. We make no apologies for it and accept all spoils of the rewards.
Interviewer: Are you sure the success has nothing to do with your connections to Pharaoh Ro?
[She chuckles] Klee: Those accusations have gotten ancient. I was a woman of worth before I met the Pharaoh. He knows this. My father is the army commander. My mother was a dancer that laid the groundwork for me to be able to take my troupe to places she’s never seen.
Interviewer: I know... But let’s not go there so fast. The Faydo news has invited you here to welcome the legendary Hawara Girls back to the city Faydo.
The other three Hawara girls were seated two tables away, in their own private conversation, but the intensity of their hidden stares was a clear sign. If any question was the wrong question, the Hawaras would attack like hyenas.
Interviewer: As you know, Faydo is always glad when you arrive in town. Its pure chaos. The people have an immense love for the Hawara girls. Are there any surprises to your show that you can tell us?
Klee: We always have a new surprise, but usually we only share that in person. I won’t tell you too much, but will say there’s a lot of fire and water.
Interviewer: That should be interesting. I’ve always wondered exactly what roles do each Hawara play in the group?
Klee: Well, I’m the face, of course. Nefera does the routines. Cushette is great at business consultant. And Skaunti is the fantasy made real?
Interviewer: Fantasy made real? What does that mean exactly?
Klee: Come to the show and find out. And that’s all I’ll say about that.
Interviewer: Interesting... Now is there ever any behind the curtain issues. Drama between the women?
Klee: We are like sisters. So yes, we do argue and fight from time to time. But the most important thing for a Hawara Girl is to never let any of our drama get in the way of a good show.
Interviewer: How was your life growing up?
Klee: My home life is what most could expect. Nice things. Nice homes. Two parents seem to love each other.
Interviewer: Seem?
Klee: My father and mother are still married. My father just has always been a man who loves the company of women in abundance. It comes with being an army commander of high status. Women are always fawning all over him. And he likes to indulge. He has all my life. Which in return, before I met the pharaoh, I never really trusted men. I never trusted men to be faithful to a woman. Whenever she would make a fuss about his extramarital affairs, he would shush her with his hands. Sometimes I hate my father for the things he has put my family through. But I will always be his little girl.
Interviewer: I’m sure the life of a Hawara is very lavish and one people could only dream of. Tell me, what is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
[She winks] Klee: I keep my money close. Now the most expensive thing I was ever given was by a man. The pharaoh, to be exact. I have a small island off the coast of Serenium, and I’m still deciding what I should call it.
Interviewer: That’s amazing! You have to let me come visit sometime.
Klee: Sure! You’re first on the list.
Interviewer: Now you have to tell us. What inspires you and the girls when it comes to creating shows and being an example for women out there that you can do anything?
Klee: Our shows are about fun and freedom. Getting away from the norms of everyday life. Sometimes, as people, we can feel enslaved to the way we live. Work, work, and more work. But there needs to be a glimmer of hope for people. To let them see that you can get out there and own anything you want in this life. You just have to go for it. You have to work for it, and you have to work hard. Step outside of the way everyone else thinks and what everyone else tells you to do. Do what’s best for you. We hope our shows make people feel that deep within themselves.
Interviewer: What about the criticism the Hawaras receive? Being too sexual? Being a part of the short-skirt movement.
Klee: The short-skirt movement is just women being free of society normalizations. The long gowns are dying out and we are here to be young, wild and free. Free to do what we want. When we want and no man is going to tell us otherwise.
Interviewer: And Pharaoh Ro is okay with his woman being considered a modern-day whore?
The Hawaras stood from their table, ready to defend Klee, but she raised one hand, and they healed. They sat back down, keeping their eyes glued to our conversation.
Interviewer: I do not mean to insult you. I am only speaking about what a lot of women are thinking.
Klee: A lot of the older generation of women. But what is change without controversy? We have to expect many people are not going to like us changing the way women are viewed in Serenium.
Interviewer: There are those concerns, but what about the concerns of the new woman at the Royal City.
Klee: What woman?
Interviewer: Anuaka. We’ve heard that she has become the love of the royal city. A real beauty. And it seems that the rumor is, you two do not get along.
Klee: She’s nobody important to talk about.
Interviewer: But Klee, we have word that you have been seen actually fighting with her in the palace.
Klee: The woman is nothing. A roach baby at best.
Interviewer: It seems like there may be some truth to what the gossips are saying?
Klee: Anuaka and I have not had the best of meetings and that is all I want to speak about on her.
Interviewer: Klee, I think you are being coy with us. Speak to the truth. Everyone wants to know who this mysterious new woman is. And you have all the answers. Tell us.
[Huffs] Klee: The only thing I ever heard about the woman is that her parents are dead. And she laughed at their deaths. What kind of woman laughs at her own parent’s deaths? And from the people I’ve been around, they said she is only jealous of my status.
Interviewer: Why wouldn’t she be? You are the socialite everyone in the royal city loves to have at their events. Do you think she is jealous of your beauty as well?
Klee: Most likely. I’ve always looked like this, and women have always been jealous of it. I own Serenium and Anuaka knows it. She wishes she was in my position and there is no way she is getting it.
Interviewer: Is there a chance that the two of you could ever become good friends?
Klee: Next question.
Interviewer: One question that is always passed around the city is, how did you and the pharaoh meet?
Klee: It’s actually interesting. We did not meet at the royal city. Although we had seen each other in passing. I was traveling with the Hawaras and the pharaohs were out-of-town visiting the city of Dynica. It was an elite event. A party for only high officials. He and I were the most sought-after people that night. Everyone wanted to either talk to the pharaohs or talk to the Hawaras. But through that sea of people, we saw each other. All eyes were on us, but we only had eyes for each other. He stared at me for half of the night, afraid to speak a word to me. Imagine it, a man of his stature afraid to talk to any woman. It’s what actually drew me to him even more. He made me feel so powerful because he was so powerful, yet powerless for me. I believe it was the alcohol that finally gave him the courage to say something to me. We’ve been together ever since.
Interviewer: That is such a sweet story. With such a spectacular life, what is something you can tell the people that you struggle with? What keeps you up at night?
Klee: Excuse me?
Interviewer: Nobody’s life is ever perfect. I just want to know something that keeps you up at night. Something a common person could relate to?
Klee: I sleep fine.
Interviewer: There’s got to be something that worries you. Family, friends, making your next show with the Hawaras bigger?
[She paused, genuinely thinking of an answer] Klee: Love. The pharaoh’s love. I sometimes wonder if I am too much for him. Is he going to one day wake up and realize that Klee is not the woman he wants to marry? And that scares me more than anything, because I would give up everything for him.
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your honesty. It’s always a pleasure to sit and chat with you, Klee. Make sure you don’t forget my invite to that island.
As the Hawara girls left to get ready for their show tonight, I was left wondering thoughts about who these women truly were? What makes all of Serenium love them so much? It was because even though they were just dancers, everyone feels connected to them. As if they were a part of our own family. We hang on every word we hear about them, and it’s like watching a legendary story happen right in front of you. In a way, we all want to be a part of their legendary story. To be a person that can tell anyone, yes, I met Klee before and she was absolutely amazing. As she said, sometimes our minds do need to escape the harsh realities of everyday life and escape into their remarkable lives. When we see them dazzle on stage, we too feel like we are living the life of riches and relief.