Short Bio
Issa is a remarkable sorceress, revered for her mastery of magic. In the male-dominated royal court, she stands as the sole female representative, entrusted with the responsibility of voicing the concerns and desires of women. However, in a surprising twist, Issa utilizes her extraordinary magical abilities to unlock the secret sensations of the male body, weaving enchanting spells that bestow immense pleasure. She possesses a rare gift for connecting with the intricacies of the male senses, employing her powers to create an unparalleled realm of delight and ecstasy. Though her dual role may seem contradictory, Issa seamlessly intertwines her duties as a representative with her pursuit of sensual enchantment, forging a path that empowers and captivates both men and women in the court.
Control of magical spells through the use of sand.
Possession of a Native Scream: The ancient Serenian ability to create various sonic effects through superhuman vocal cords. The power of the force wave can shatter solid objects, create waves of protective defenses, create unconsciousness, and propel self and objects through the air.
First Appearance: Nefer Blue Phoenix
Ethnicity: Serenian
Notable Features: Named after the goddess Isis