Kleeyah "Klee" Hondo
Short Bio
Klee is a prominent figure in Serenium, well-known for her famous quote "I owe Serenium." As the leader of The Hawara Girls, the most renowned dancer troupe on the island, she has earned a reputation for her undeniable talent and captivating performances. Being the daughter of Hondo, the esteemed commander of the army, and dating the Pharaoh of Serenium, she holds an influential position within the island's elite circles. Klee's social status as the island's biggest socialite is well-deserved, as she has worked tirelessly to attain her current standing. With a strong sense of confidence, she doesn't shy away from acknowledging the efforts that have propelled her to such heights. Klee's sheer determination and unwavering dedication to her craft have undoubtedly solidified her as an icon in Serenium.
Possession of a Native Scream: The ancient Serenian ability to create various sonic effects through superhuman vocal cords. The power of the force wave can shatter solid objects, create waves of protective defenses, create unconsciousness, and propel self and objects through the air.
Highly trained in military combat.
First Appearance: Nefer Blue Phoenix
Ethnicity: Serenian
Notable Features: Spiral eye make-up, beauty mark, signature hair bows
Known family
Hondo (Father), Kleeyah (Mother), Ro (Significant other)