As legend tells it, the first Serenians were birth from the god Set and the goddess Nebs. Two figures from the Kemetic godhood known as The Divinity. But the birth of their children was the beginning of too much uncontrollable power. With the direct birth of new gods, an immediate reversal plan was put into place. Peoples from tribes across Africa were brought to Serenium to slice the balance of power, with the bulk of those people coming from Kemet. The god children were unwillingly stripped of their power.
The final result left a culture of people, rich in Kemetic customs. They retained a gift from the mother goddess, a native roar that works as a sonic scream. All the children of Serenium recieved this gift. Men specifically recieving vocal cords in thier palms. While the women retained it in thier throat. Another trait rose among them, a rarity. A few of the Serenians grew deep blue hair at the top of thier head. This trait became synonomous with royalty, as they would only mate with another Serenium that retained this special blue haired trait.
The ruling Serenian class is led by their queens known as Pharrahs. The Pharrahs have been leading Serenium since the beginning. Pharaohs are still prevalent, but their power remains under the Pharrah.
For most of Serenium's history the government has used its resources to keep the culture within and keeping their people prominent.
The most dominating religion in Serenium is the Divinity Pantheon. A group of gods known to protect a specific region of Africa. The ruling members being Ra, the sun god, and Isis, the lady of magic. These gods use their special abilities to help the humans of the earth from natural disasters, and invasions from foreign peoples. The Serenians show their worship of the gods through prayer and festivals.
Other Members: Thoth, Hathor, Set. Osiris, Nebet-het, and Shu.