The Ramockie

The Ramockie Culture
Changa and his wife Imani are the leaders of the Ramockie people, a culture unique and intriguing, known for its bloodlust and ritualistic practices. This group of people has developed a deep fascination with blood, viewing it as a sacred substance that holds immense power. As part of their rituals, the Ramockie people engage in the act of drinking blood. Through this practice, they believe they can tap into the energy and strength of the individuals whose blood they consume. This tradition has been passed down through generations, and it plays a significant role in their cultural identity. While some may find this practice disturbing, the Ramockie people view it as a way to connect with their ancestors and harness their inner strength. Their dedication to this ancient tradition sets them apart and shapes their distinct culture.
Little is known as to where they come from exactly, but it is known they are from the mainland off of Serenium.
First Appearance: Breaking the Camel's Toe

Changa, King of the Ramockie