Full Name: Nebet-het
Short Bio
Mother goddess of the entire island of Serenium. She is a protector goddess,and is seen as a guardian of the dead. Nebs is deeply devoted to her sister Isis, and the two are often seen as a pair. In many stories, Nebs is presented as the more compassionate of the two and is often seen as a comforting figure for Isis. Despite the abusive nature of her husband, Nebs remains devoted to fixing the wedge he placed upon the entire Devinity pantheon.
Possession of a Native Scream: The ancient Serenian ability to create various sonic effects through superhuman vocal cords. The power of the force wave can shatter solid objects, create waves of protective defenses, create unconsciousness, and propel self and objects through the air.
Magic spells used for communication with the dead.
First Appearance: Nefer Blue Phoenix
Ethnicity: Kemetic
Notable Features: Long blue hair
Known family