Short Bio
Anuaka is a farmer who despises her job. Every day, she wakes up with a heavy heart, dreading the monotonous routine of tending to his crops and livestock. The fields feel like a prison. A far cry from the life she once lived. Years have past as Anuaka sharpens her skills as warrior, ready to take on the world that look everything from her.
Through intense and extensive training as a child Anuaka was able to become masterful in ancient marital arts, multiple languages, use of various weaponry, and acrobatics. Her will to succeed makes her a cutthroat opponent in any arena.
First Appearance: Happy Holiday Homicides!
Ethnicity: Serenian
Notable Features: Rare piercing green eyes.
Known family
Audritti (Sister), Horus (Brother), Nebu (Brother), Karmitti (Mother), Koga (Father)
Anuaka Nebet