Nebu Nebet
Short Bio
Nebu is the youngest of the Nebet royal family. From a young age he was inquisitive about the world around him, often asking questions about everything he saw and heard. But no matter how much he asked, he never received the answer he most wanted to hear: who were his parents? Nebu was too young to remember his parents, as they had both passed away when he was an infant. While the rest of his family was devastated by the loss, Nebu was spared from the grief, as he never had the chance to know them.
But this also left him feeling isolated, as he was the only one in the family who had not experienced the pain of losing his parents. Without any memories of his parents, Nebu often daydreamed about what kind of people they were and what it would have been like to meet them.
Despite the loss, Nebu tried to make the best of the life he had. He was a sweet boy, and his family was close-knit in their own way, even if they could never replace the love of his parents.
Nebu would often look up at the night sky, hoping that his parents were watching over him, and that one day he would be able to meet them in some way.
Possession of a Native Scream: The ancient Serenian ability to create various sonic effects through superhuman vocal cords in his palms. The power of the force wave can shatter solid objects, create waves of protective defenses, create unconsciousness, and propel self and objects through the air. .
First Appearance: Happy Holiday Homicides!
Ethnicity: Serenian
Notable Features: Side-lock of youth
Known family
Anuaka (Sister), Horus (Brother), Audritti (sister), Karmitti (Mother), Koga (Father)