Koga Nebet
Short Bio
Koga, the former Pharaoh of Serenium, served as the second in command to his wife Karmitti, who held the title of Pharaoh. His primary focus was on his family, and he took pride in being a loving and caring father. While his wife ruled over the nation with a firm hand, Koga's domain was the home. He ensured that his family was well taken care of and that their needs were met. Koga's gentle and nurturing nature made him a pillar of support for his loved ones. His untimely death left the family in devastation.
Power: Possession of a Native Scream: The ancient Serenian ability to create various sonic effects through superhuman vocal cords in his palms. The power of the force wave can shatter solid objects, create waves of protective defenses, create unconsciousness, and propel self and objects through the air.
Combat training.
First Appearance: Nefer Blue Phoenix
Ethnicity: Serenian
Notable Features: Rare green eyes
Known family
Anuaka (daughter), Horus (son), Nebu (son), Karmitti (wife), Audritti (daughter)